200+ 5-star Google reviews from

former VCE English Language students,

their parents and their teachers.

Owen & Lynne’s story

(this could be you)

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Like most Eng Lang students who are analytically minded, Owen came to us lacking clear direction, structure and process. We first clarified his goals (study score, ATAR and dream course), identified his current challenges and obstacles, made a game plan for his upcoming assessments, then quickly got him up-to-speed with our step-by-step processes for tackling short-answer questions, analytical commentaries and Eng Lang essays.

Within a few weeks, Owen’s results had done a 180, he was clearly more confident in the subject and, as a consequence, more motivated to study and apply himself. He remained consistent with application tasks right up until the exam, going on to achieve well beyond what he and his mother, Lynne, thought was possible.

Owen’s Transformation

“I remember when we sat down for our first meeting 🤝🏻 and you set the high goal of 40.

I thought you were bullsh*ting ❌ yourself and that I would get nowhere near a score like that…

Well, I achieved an 🏆
A+ on the exam and got a 39 raw and 41 scaled.

I could not recommend you 🙏🏻 and your group of tutors any higher.”

“Who would’ve thought that 12 months ago when I saw your ad that you would help him get a 40+.

And we never really thought that was possible.

But you made it possible and gave him the belief that he was capable of it.”

Lynne Rice, Owen’s mother

From 70s to high 90s 🚀

“My brother and cousin both worked with you guys and said it was AMAZING! Very structured, you cover all of the content and provide extra support. Plus, the resources—they’re just amazing as well.”

Meet Chanel! She started tutoring with us in December 2022. Mainstream English was never her strong point, and she felt uneasy with the subject as a whole. She is a high achiever who is aiming for a 94+ ATAR in hopes of getting into her dream course, physio. From sitting around the 70s mark on her assessments, to now scoring 19/20 on her SAQs and A+ on her most recent AC, Chanel is well and truly on her way to smashing her goals and getting an ATAR that takes her places. Like many, she found key areas of the subject wishy washy and lacking structure and process. But, with the help of the Metalanguage Cheatsheet, AC Planning Template, and the Content-To-Application sessions, she’s found the clarity and confidence she was looking for and is now applying it to her assessments. We can't wait to see Chanel smash her goals, get a 40+ study score and, ultimately, get into physio!

From 40s to 70+ ⚡️

“Having your templates there, and having the structure, helps me study A LOT better than before. I’m 100% a maths and science student, that’s why I like the step-by-step process that you’ve provided.”

Meet Armaan! Armaan started tutoring with us mid-way through Year 12, and his exponential growth, particularly in his first 4 weeks with us, is amazing, but also a great case study to share because it’s a common story. From getting 40-50s before working with us, Armaan is now hitting some 70s on his assessments after just one month working with us. Prior to tutoring with us, Armaan felt deeply unprepared walking into his SACs. A major struggle of his was ACs. He found it extremely difficult to label examples with metalanguage and analyse whatever he found in depth. He also lacked structure and process in his classroom, finding his classes wishy washy and unproductive. With the help of ELP’s Content-To-Application sessions, alongside the Student Resource Hub, Armaan can now swiftly identify metalanguage terms, and apply them with confidence. He now has crystal clear structure, step-by-step process, and an abundance of on-demand support. We’re excited to see what Armaan is capable of by the end of the year!

Looking for more structure and process in
VCE English Language?

Want a 40+ study score and an
ATAR that takes you places?

Get in touch with us today.